Eligibility Post 2019

For those who are interested, I have 3 original stories out in 2019.

New Fiction

  • "For He Can Creep," my novelette about Christopher Smart's cat Jeoffry, is over at tor.com
  • I owe Scott Andrews of BCS fame many thanks for giving me a Hexagon-shaped space in which to write this one, and Mike, Claire and Carlos for being willing to ignore me chortling through different cat voices in my section of the room.
  • "The Air, The Ocean, the Earth, the Deep" is collected in Echoes, Ellen Datlow's brilliant anthology of ghost stories. I owe Ellen for prompting me to write this short story, and Emily Davis and Amelia Wilson for making me reflect on immigration detention centers long before the current crisis.
  • "The Airwalker Comes to the City in Green" is a surreal science fiction adventure and also my first novelette to appear in Asimov's, which I'm very excited about. I'm grateful to Shelia Williams for taking this one and to the Sycamore Hill group for their feedback on an early draft. I'm also grateful (as always) for the brilliant feedback of my "Sparklepony" critique group.


 While they aren't eligible for anything, I'm glad to see these stories making the rounds again:
  • "Haunt" was included in Ellen Datlow's truly excellent Best Horror of the Year, Volume 11

  • One of the pleasures of getting an author's copy of these anthologies is reading everyone else's great work. If you're a horror fan, make sure to check out Adam Troy-Castro's "Red Rain," Thomas Olde Heuvelt's "You know How the Story Goes" and Carly Holmes's "Sleep." There were a lot of great stories in this volume, but those are three that stood out for me.
  • I was immensely flattered to have "Nesters" reprinted in Ellen Datlow's  Best of the Best anthology.

  • Again, if you're a horror fan, add this anthology to your Christmas reading list. There are *a lot* of stories here that I consider "new" classics. If I'm limiting myself to a few standouts, they'd be Suzy McKee Charnas's "Lowland Sea," Adam Golaski's "The Man from the Peak," Nathan Ballingrud's "Wild Acre," Livia Llewellyn's "Allocthon," and Carole Johnstone's "Better You Believe." (Okay, that's more than  a few, but it's a great anthology. For those of you who are aspiring horror writers, I can't imagine a better guide to the variety of modern horror stories than this collection.)
  • Speaking of "Nesters," it was just reprinted in the always interesting Nightmare Magazine alongside a story by Dan Stintzi. Again, more Christmas reading for you horror fans!
